
Ambre Peyrotty

Zephyr & Luna

Bordeaux, France

Aix-en-Provence, France


52 Awards

Hey, I'm Amber!

A travel lover and ex-wedding photographer and travel planner turned elopement planner.

In 2019, I embarked on a transformative journey. Fueled by a deep passion for crafting unique experiences, I pioneered all-inclusive custom elopement and honeymoon packages in untouched destinations. Specifically tailored for introverted and adventurous(ish) couples, my vision was to create a truly gentle and personalized experience.

These exceptional packages, 100% customized to each couple, eliminate the need for expensive venues, allowing couples to just focus on purchasing their wedding attire and fly in.

With this groundbreaking approach, I redefined the elopement industry, empowering couples to embrace their individuality and curate unforgettable memories amidst awe-inspiring landscapes.


Under a dramatic sky, a couple stands hand in hand, enveloped by the raw beauty of the French Alps near Grenoble. This moment, captured during their elopement, reflects a powerful blend of love and nature, as the distant storm adds a dramatic backdrop to their serene exchange of vows. The landscape around them is both a witness and a testament to their commitment, making their special day as majestic as the mountains themselves.


As the last light of day kisses the Swiss Alps, this couple shares a tender moment, their love illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun. Captured during their elopement, the serene solitude of the mountainous backdrop mirrors their intimate journey. The warm hues of dusk gently envelop them, creating a perfect, peaceful end to their day of unity in the heart of Switzerland's breathtaking landscapes.


In the secluded tranquility of a Swiss forest, a couple finds a secret haven beside a crystal-clear lake. The lush green canopy and the gentle murmur of flowing water create a serene backdrop for their tender exchange. This scene captures the essence of an elopement—intimate, serene, and deeply connected to the natural world, where every whispered vow echoes through the forest's ancient whispers.


As the sun sets over the mystical landscapes of Greece, it casts a golden glow that envelops a couple in warmth and radiance. Perched on ancient rocks, their togetherness is a serene contrast to the dramatic cliffs of Meteora. This image captures a fleeting moment of tranquility and the timeless romance that flourishes when adventurous spirits unite under the Mediterranean sky.


Amid the grandeur of Switzerland's rugged peaks, a couple stands, their love as palpable as the dramatic skies above. This moment, captured in the heart of the Alps, speaks to the wild beauty of both the landscape and their emotions. As they embrace, surrounded by the untamed elegance of nature, their union becomes a testament to the power of love to find its place even among the towering mountains.


In the raw, majestic landscape of Iceland, a couple shares a serene moment, their love as palpable as the cool mist that dances around them. Nestled in the lush wilderness, with the thunderous cascade of a distant waterfall as their symphony, they embrace, lost in each other’s eyes. This elopement captures not just the union of two souls, but the essence of adventure itself. The bride's elegant dress and the groom's sharp suit are stark against the rugged terrain, a symbol of their commitment standing strong in the face of nature’s grandeur. It's a fleeting instance where time stands still, and the heart speaks louder than the roaring waters behind them.


In the heart of Switzerland's untamed majesty, where the sky and earth whisper secrets of ancient time, a couple stands on the precipice of forever. Here, above the world, they are cradled by the rugged embrace of the mountains, while the lake below mirrors the shifting moods of the heavens. The day's rain weaves a veil of mist, bestowing a hallowed serenity upon their union. The elements themselves seem to pause, honoring the sublime tableau of two souls merging at the zenith of the world, their love as boundless as the view that stretches into eternity.


As dusk embraces French Polynesia, a couple finds themselves perched upon the world's edge, silhouetted against the canvas of twilight. They stand hand in hand, where the sky burns with the day's last fire and the clouds part to reveal the earth's secret splendor. The journey here was a pilgrimage through the wild, a trek in a super jeep that climbed for hours, ascending towards the heavens. T

hen, as if by a tender conspiracy of the elements, the clouds unfurled to unveil a spectacle — a sky painted in strokes of amber and lavender, a fleeting masterpiece that heralded the beginning of their shared forever. This moment, a divine intersection of time, earth, and sky, is a testament to the enduring power of their bond, cast in the soft silhouette of love's own mystery.


Before the stoic grandeur of Iceland's iconic Kirkjufell, a couple stands, their hands clasped as if in silent pact with the earth itself. Around them, the world unfolds in vast strokes of green and blue, a canvas so wild and pure. The mountain, ancient and majestic, rises sharply—a natural spire sculpted by time, bearing witness to the endless sky. Here, in this epic theater of nature, two souls join in an embrace that speaks of a love as enduring as the rock and as free as the wind. The moment is a convergence of Earth's magnificence and human spirit, captured in the timeless dance of light and shadows, a testament to love's ability to unite and transcend amidst the world's natural wonders.


Bathed in the golden glow of a Meteora sunset, this photograph is a testament to the magic that happens when love is set against the canvas of nature's grandeur. The couple, nestled between the ancient rocks of this storied Greek landscape, lean in for a tender, contemplative moment, their silhouettes etched against the fiery sky.

The groom, in a sharp suit that speaks to the solemnity of the moment, stands with his bride, whose flowing dress ripples with the breath of the mountain air. The embrace is an intimate contrast to the monumental backdrop, the timeless stones bearing witness to their union. As the sun dips behind the majestic peaks, it crowns them in a halo of light, promising a love as enduring as the stones themselves. In this image, the earth and the heart seem to whisper together, a symphony of love as old and as sure as the Meteora itself.


Captured on the sun-drenched stairway of Santorini, this photo embraces the quintessence of a Grecian elopement. The bride and groom stand on the time-worn steps, a soft breeze teasing the edges of her diaphanous veil into the bluest of skies. Their attire speaks of understated elegance; her dress a cascade of white that mirrors the island's iconic architecture, his suit patterned in homage to the textures of the isle. In their hands, a bouquet of flowers whispers tales of romance in shades of white and green.

The world seems to pause for a moment, as their smiles, radiant and private, speak of stories yet to unfold, love yet to be told. This image, a freeze-frame of joy and the allure of the Aegean, is an invitation to a journey that begins at 'I do' and stretches into the endless blue of together.


Amidst the untamed beauty of Iceland, a couple stands closely entwined, their embrace a testament to warmth against the wild, gusting winds. The setting sun casts a golden hue over the rugged landscape, illuminating their figures in a soft, ethereal light. Their hair and clothing flutter in the powerful Icelandic breeze, a dance of nature and emotion combined. This moment, frozen in time, captures the essence of love's ability to stand firm and gentle in the face of nature's grandeur.

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